Wilbur Hot Springs

wilburI will be available for Traditional Thai Massage sessions at Wilbur Hot Springs near Williams, California, on a semi regular basis. The waters at Wilbur are very unique and deeply healing. It is said that the Native Americans used to drag their sick and wounded for days to get to this location.

I’ve been visiting Wilbur for well over a decade and I’m proud to introduce my work here. I believe the synergy of Thai bodywork with these special waters is quite profound.

Upcoming Wilbur dates are:

  • Monday, November 11 through Wednesday, November 13
  • Monday, December 9 through Wednesday, December 11.

This is a very magical time at the hot springs; hope to see you there!

Find out more about Wilbur here: Wilbur Hot Springs

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Robert de Nies

One Comment

  1. Hi-

    When will you be at Wilbur Hot Springs for massages?

    From the Farm,

    Ross & März

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