
RobertBioI have been interested and involved in various healing modalities for well over 40 years.

Originally from Holland, I started working in the Kosmos, a meditation center in Amsterdam, in the mid seventies.

I then moved to Japan where I studied macrobiotics as well as traditional shiatsu with Tomoko Miyoshi in Tokyo. As an apprentice, I worked at a healing resort in Japan doing shiatsu on Japanese clients.

I recieived my Thai massage training in Chiang Mai from Pichest Boonthume, Thailand’s foremost recognized teacher.

I furthered my Thai Massage experience through study with the late Asokananda (Harold Burst) author of “The Art of Traditional Thai Massage,” located in a small hill tribe village in Northern Thailand.

In the United States I resided at Heartwood Institute in Northern California where I studied various styles of bodywork as well as hypnotherapy. I was greatly inspired by the late Richard Beyer and was privileged to assist him in training other healers. I studied Hot Stone Therapy with Mary Nelson the founder and creator of La Stone Therapy, the original hot stone massage.

Today, I am a certified Yoga instructor and continue to interact with the best workers in the field, exchanging techniques, ideas and information. To learn more about my yoga background check the Theraputic Yoga Page.

More recently I returned repeatedly to Thailand to study with Arnoud l’Hermitte and David Lutt, two French osteopaths and founders of Osteo Thai. This is a way of working integrating osteopathic principles with Thai Massage

Bodywork is more than a job. It is both an art and a vocation.

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