Opening Our Hands, Reloaded

Whether gardening, playing an instrument or cooking: our hands are our instruments. In Chinese medicine the hands are regarded as an extension of the Chi coming from the heart. The two heart related meridians end on the inside of our hands. In the middle finger and pinky finger, to be more precise.

When cooking for example, ideally the loving energy of the heart is transmitted into the hands that prepare the food. This is making our meals truly nourishing.  An interesting philosophical question arises: is cooking for a person you despise bad for your heart?! You tell me, I’d love to hear your responses!

As any regular student of mine can attest to: bringing fluidity back to the hands has become one of my favorite things. I keep exploring it in our shared yoga practice. An homage if you will to the cooks, gardeners and massage therapists who are attending the class.

Seven years ago, I produced a short video titled: “Opening our hands” Since then I’ve added new techniques  and made small, yet important improvements. I also took this material on the proverbial road, presenting it at the Sunshine Massage School in Chiang Mai, Thailand at regular intervals.

Now I feel inspired to share a newly updated version: “Opening our hands reloaded“. Please enjoy the new video!